Former CIA Director David Petraeus called the Iranian attack on Israel a “very big deal” it's not easy to tackle  

“I think it’s very clear that the U.S. would like to see that be as limited as is possible, but still need to take strict actions

Iran launched dozens of missiles in Israel’s direction on Saturday, the “vast majority” of which were intercepted by Israel, the U.S. and other allies 

Iran export about 1.6 or 1.7 million barrels a day themselves. It tooks large proportion of Oil requirement of west

Brent Crude is already above $90 a barrel, and it would really spike if there was something that interfered with freedom of navigation, 

The U.S. and other Western allies have pledged support for Israel. Western countries takes sids of Israel over Iran

Washington is meeting with the other G7 countries to determine what kind of diplomatic and economic responses 

it’s in the interest of everyone to stop the increasing escalation. But we will have to see what Israel decides to do in this case, Petraeus added

Entire world is looking at washington to sort out tension between Israel and Iran JOe biden has to take tough call this time