Is Mastodon really hurting Twitter?

Is Mastodon really hurting Twitter? Twitter’s new owner and world’s richest man Elon Musk, is mocking the platform’s alternative Mastodon, but some may say he’s gone far this time. In a tweet, which now appears to be deleted, he lashed at users complaining about Twitter’s new updates and asked them to join “masterbatedone” if they have a problem with the twitter. Musk’s sarcastic tweet on Mastodon came at a time when the former’s servers were down for hours for many users. Since Twitter’s ownership changed last week, some users are leaving the platform to join rivals like Koo and Mastodon. Mastodon offers similar features as Twitter, though it operates differently. It is an open-source social networking service which allows users to either host their own ‘community’ or join an already existing one. Some features are almost similar like twitter but some are really unique in nature.

Is Mastodon really hurting Twitter?

Despite these campaigns, Twitter is seemingly doing very well. According to an internal document obtained by The Verge, Twitter’s daily user growth hit ‘all-time highs’ during Musk’s first week as the owner. It is like Cream at the top of the cone for Elon Musk.

The report notes that “Twitter’s monetisable daily user (mDAU) growth has accelerated to more than 20 per cent, while Twitter’s largest market, the US, is growing even more quickly”. Just for reference, Twitter, in its second quarter report, said that the platform has 237.8 million mDAUs. Which maintains top position among social networks platforms in united states.

But Musk’s biggest challenge does not stop here, as many advertisers are fleeing away even if there’s a growth in the user base. They fear that misinformation might increase on the platform . Twitter might loose its customer base as well as source of revenue due to this.

What is Mastodon ?

Is Mastodon really hurting Twitter?

Mastodon, an open social media platform from country Germany, and its founder Eugen Rochko have claimed that the platform has over one million monthly active users with more than 4,89,000 having joined since October 27. Mastodon looks a lot like Twitter wherein account holders can write posts (called “toots”), reply to, like and repost others’ toots as well as follow each other. Which makes Mastdon sister of twitter but some of its features makes it a different platform that twitter.
The main difference is the working of Mastodon. While Twitter is now owned by Elon Musk, Mastodon is basically a collection of different, independently run and self-funded servers. Rochko is reportedly the company’s only employee and the six-year-old platform doesn’t have the power to force any server to comply with any standards. This makes Mastodon a unique platform which is govern by different people, so its operations doesn’t hamper by one man.

Who moderates Mastodon?

As per a report by Time magazine, even though there is no single authority to enforce any rules, in practice, many of Mastodon’s servers have stricter rules than Twitter. The report says whenever hate-speech servers appear, other servers can band together to block them. “I guess you could call it the democratic process,” Rochko was quoted in his official statement.

Further, owners of those servers can delete hate speech or illegal content. There are no advertisements on Mastodon but people can promote their businesses. The platform is free to use but some servers may ask for donations, this is the onle source of revenue for the Mastodon. This modes operandi is hurting twitter that’s why such question comes into the picture Is Mastodon really hurting Twitter?

How to join Mastodon?

To join Mastodon, you have to choose a server, which could be based on a theme. The theme could be anything such as city, interest, social, technology, and gaming, among others. You can follow users on all the other servers.

Elon musk

How do you find people on Mastodon?

The server you choose becomes part of your user name. So if my name is ABC and chose the US server, the name will be In case you want to find someone on Mastodon, type in their full name. If you are on the same server as the person you are finding, you can find him/ her by typing in the name, which is “ABC” in this case. Finding a person is not difficult on Mastodon if you know the full name of the person.

Why Elon Musk mocks Mastodon?

After Elon Musk takes charge on the twitter, he deployed many employees and he also changes many algorithms, policies of the twitter due to which many advertisers stop giving adds on twitter also many users shift on different platforms because of the uncertainty of the future of the twitter. Elon Musk deleted his tweet soon after posting it.

In his first tweet, Musk reportedly shared an image of Mastodon and tweeted, “If you don’t like Twitter anymore, there is an awesome site called Masterbatedone.” Then he replied to his own tweet saying, “Gee, I wonder why the screen is so dirty …” In a related tweet, he said, “What do you call someone who is a master at baiting?”

Celebrities including Elon Musk’s ex-girlfriend Amber Heard, Grey’s Anatomy producer Shonda Rhimes, supermodel Gidi Hadid, and Sara Bareilles are among others who have quit Twitter since Musk’s take over twitter.

Elon Musk has to think on this now Is Mastodon really hurting Twitter?

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